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Serina Hanlon, BPhm, RPh

Serina Hanlon
Pharmacist, Owner of The Pharmacy Lab

Serina, the visionary owner of The Pharmacy Lab, is a dedicated Pharmacist with specialized training in managing Hormonal Imbalances.

She brings her expertise and passion for functional medicine, skincare, and holistic health to her innovative pharmacy. After over a decade of running a corporate chain pharmacy, Serina became disenchanted with the quality of care patients received, inspiring her to create The Pharmacy Lab.

Here, the focus shifts from illness to health maintenance, providing a serene environment where customers receive expert guidance from experienced Pharmacists. Serina helps countless women navigate hormonal changes through consultations, guiding them holistically and helping them understand their best options for hormone replacement therapy.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Serina is a devoted mother, a Yogi, and an enthusiastic entrepreneur who loves exploring good food.

Her unwavering commitment to discovering and sharing new ways to live healthier underscores her deep connection to her community.

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Your go-to resource for all things perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

How can PAUZ help manage my menopause?

We offer everything from A to Z to manage the big M. We are your partner to support you with the information you need to make decisions, personalized lifestyle plans and support to take control of your health, and support navigating and accessing health care. Personalized advice, top-notch supplements, lifestyle tweaks, and a community that gets it. Think of us as your GPS through the menopause maze. 

Do I need to sign up for anything to use PAUZ?

Nope, you can browse our info and insights without signing up. You can also join PAUZ for free and receive access to more information including our newsletter, early access to events and our community. If you want support, you can join PAUZ for access to our personalized plans with, or without a personal liaison to guide you through what is happening to your body, treatment options, helping you access care, and make the lifestyle changes you want to make. 

Can I still use PAUZ if I'm not sure I'm in menopause?

Absolutely. If you're in the 'maybe' boat, we'll help you figure it out with our quiz and resources. Anytime is a great time to start to learn about menopause and adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors. Knowledge is power, and we're here to power you up! 

Are there any off-limits topics in the PAUZ community?

Only spam and bad vibes. Otherwise, if it’s menopause-related, it’s on the table. We’re all about honest, open conversations.