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Personalized Services

You are not alone. We are here to share information you need, when you need it. Our programs include:

  • Symptom and lifestyle education & assessments
  • Guidance navigating health professionals and making lasting and impactful lifestyle changes
  • Our menopause expert personal ‘liaisons’ serve as educator, coach, navigator, and advocate, just for you!

Powerful Information and Resources

As a PAUZ member you get access to the full spectrum of our resources at your fingertips.


Empower Hub

Learn about all things perimenopause including effective medical treatments and lifestyle modifications including nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and more.

Access tools to help you along your journey such as tips for medical self-advocacy.

Menopause Assessment

Your menopause journey is unique and too big an adventure to go it alone. It starts with understanding where you stand. With our insightful quiz, you'll get a clearer picture of your symptoms.

It's quick, confidential, and the first step towards personalized menopause management.

Symptom & Health Improvement

Access digital tools to track and manage symptoms and lifestyle behavior improvement goals.

With personalized reports, you can make informed decisions about your health and adjust your lifestyle choices accordingly.


Events & Expert Interviews

Engage with peers, share stories, and find support in our exclusive forums and events.

Our peer support networks offer a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and provide encouragement. 

Are you an employer?

Stop the talent drain and invest in a menopause safe environment today using our tailored employer services.

Create a workplace that values and retains experienced talent by addressing menopause-related challenges and fostering an inclusive, supportive atmosphere.


Free 1-on-1 Consultation

Meet virtually with our menopause-trained guides to get a personalized lifestyle plan that meets your individual needs including nutrition, fitness, mental and sexual health and wellness and ongoing support along the way.


Personal Lifestyle Liaison


Virtual Appointments


Tailored Learning Modules

Prime Picks

Before you spend money on wellness and beauty products, come to PAUZ.



Curated perimenopause and menopause products reviewed by clinicians as well as women like you.

Find everything from sexual health to supplements to exercise products and more!

Embark on your journey of self-discovery today

Take the quiz below to learn more about how PAUZ can help you feel empowered and understood.

What is menopause, and when does it typically begin?

Menopause usually begins in the fabulous 40s or 50s, but it's as punctual as a cat—shows up when it wants. Some experience it earlier, especially if they've had surgery or medical treatment that affects the ovaries. Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles and is officially diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a period. While it is used as an umbrella term to cover perimenopause and postmenopause, it really represents a single point in time, the day you officially missed your period for 12 consecutive months.

What are the signs that I’m entering menopause?

The first signals of perimenopause are typically a change in your period. A change in timing, duration, and heaviness. If you find yourself shedding clothes like it's summer in the Sahara or feeling moodier than a teenager, you might be getting some signals. Other signs include sleep disturbances, memory lapses, and saying goodbye to regular periods. In fact there are over 34 symptoms impacting almost every system in your body impacting your physical, sexual, and mental functioning and health. 

How do perimenopause and postmenopause differ from menopause?

Perimenopause is the start of menopause where estrogen and progesterone begin to decline and your body tries to compensate, creating an internal  rollercoaster ride. Your cycle gets irregular, and symptoms start popping up. Postmenopause is the stretch after you’ve hit the 12-month mark without a period. Menopause is the grand milestone in between. Think of it as the main event flanked by the pre-show and the after-party. This does not mean symptoms cease necessarily and introduces increased risks for osteoporosis, heart disease, and other metabolic chronic diseases.